
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Along came a spider--

so i really wanted to update this every day, but i haven't had time.  i've been a canning queen again--ketchup, more spaghetti sauce and green beans, with salsa verde and more spaghetti sauce waiting to be done (i refuse to seed and cut the jalapenos and habaneros, and keith still hasn't done it).  so my week, or the beginning of it anyway, will be busy.

another thing i haven't done (in at least a week) is really clean the house.  so i did today--at least this morning, before the brown weenie roast.  i scrubbed the floor and dusted, cleaned the kitchen (finally got those dishes out of the sink), lysol-ed everything, and got the laundry done.  keith played video games, isn't that sweet of him?  i guess it's really winter, because when it gets time for the farm to officially shut down, he just starts playing video games all the time.  the most annoying, grating video games.  currently it's some ridiculous motocross crap and a racing game, and they're both one player so i can't even join in, i just get stuck watching,.  yay.

but anyway, so i was really grossed out by the state of the house and took to cleaning it.  i really hate cleaning.  i really hate cleaning.  i mean, what a waste of time.  it's just going to be instantly dirty again; if not for the dogs, then for the fact that we live in the country and everything is instantly dirty all the time.  now, don't think our house is filthy.  it's tidy.  there are just always tumbleweeds of dexter hair in the living room and mud clods in the kitchen because we're always in and out and we have hairy dogs.  it's frustrating to spend all day scrubbing down the house and then bam! it's filthy again by the time that you hang up the broom.  well, and i've never really been super thorough at it, which pisses keith off, to which i tell him to do it himself or get over it.  so there's that.

but anyway, i found a website called totally together journal and she has this magical thing called the daily 7, which is really just common sense but to see it so clearly typed out it's like, "oh!" and it all makes sense.  so i printed it out and it's posted in the kitchen where i can see it, and it's a reminder of what to do so i (hopefully) don't have to spend every freaking waking moment of my life cleaning and can do other stuff, like sitting on the couch watching disney movies.  because that's way more fun than cleaning.

and so this afternoon was the annual brown weenie roast, in which keith's family gets together at his dad's house and roasts some hotdogs and shoots the shit, and it was a pretty good time.  it started out really great out but as soon as the sun dropped, the temperature was just wham cold and thank god there was a fire or i seriously might've died.

and i'm just tired now, and that's why there aren't any pictures or anything really exciting in this post, so sorry, dear intratubes, if i've bored you.

xoxo - sierra.

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