so lately i've been crafting a whole lot, i mean a
whole lot, while helping my friend/sisterwife amanda get ready for her first craft fair (good job on that, ma'am). i've been bedazzling bows for her, since i'm normal-bow-making retarded apparently. so this post is picture-heavy-ish.
this is the only tree in my yard with leaves (that are pretty, anyway), but isn't it gorgeous? i took these on one of the super nice days we had this week. before the wind blew it to smithereens too.
did i mention i've been making bows? oh. well i have been.
hobby lobby puked on my table. |
i started out downstairs on the kitchen table, but it got a little crazy when it was time to eat. so i moved upstairs, to my gloomy, crappily-lit craft room of sorts.
what you can't see is the mess on my other computer table, and the rest of the floor. speaking of floor, god, doesn't it look terrible? it's an old floor, get off my balls. |
this turned out to be even more cramped, so i spread out across the all of the room. i'm lucky to be able to roll my rolly chair from one desk to the other.
turns out i'm kind of a badass at making felt flowers and fabric rosettes. ignore the blurriness of the picture, 'cause it's the best you're going to get.
so tiny. so, so tiny. |
i'm making holiday bows. i like them the best. but i wish i had more, because i thought i had more and i only ended up with a handful to decorate and i am so bummed. i'm just going to make more centers, unless amanda-panda comes sooner than i thought to pick them up.
so flashy. thankful fall bows. |
i seriously have been listening to christmas music all day. tra-la-la-la-la .. |
i don't know why i didn't take a picture of the other three bows close up, but whatever. they're probably the cutest though. i dug out all my christmas-card-making trinkets and they're fun. and i found tiny bells, so they have jingles, too. what little girl wouldn't want to wear a bow that jingles? not this one, that's who. i love jingles.
but anyway, i guess i should get to bed or go downstairs and be sociable with db, because he's being a brat today and maybe he just needs some attention or something (i hope it's attention).
xoxo - sierra.